Monday, December 5, 2011

Cornstarch Clay Craft Project

Cornstarch Clay!


-2/3 cup of salt

-1/3 cup of baking soda

-1/2 cup of cornstarch

-1/2 cup of water

-1 note to your roommates warning them that this is not mashed potatoes!

Combine all ingredients (except the note to your roommates!) in a small saucepan. Heat over medium heat and stir as the mixture begins to bubble. Continue stirring until you feel the mixture solidifying (the jump will be sudden!). Remove from the heat, place your dough in a container/bowl to cool. It’s time to play!

Note: You may choose to add food coloring to give color to your dough. Kids can also draw on the dough with markers to give it color while they play!

Now I cooked it…what do I do with my students!?!?!

In room 601B we….

-Set it up as a center for our Kindergarteners

-Encouraged them to explore the clay in multiple ways

-Just play with it, how is it different from other dough’s and clay’s we have explored? How is it the same? This can help support descriptive vocabulary and provide a sensory experience to young learners.

-Can we make the letters with our dough? This has supported our literacy program as children get to “feel” the letters they are learning. The dough dries over night giving us “Letter Statues”.

-Have children explore the shapes that build a person! In studying “the self” in 601B we “built” family portraits to share with each other.

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